Burrito Baby

It's been crazy long since I've posted anything but let it be known that I've missed it very much. So much has happened and I've been too tired to even put any of it into words.

Long story short: I delivered my baby! Yup, he's here! He was born on November 17 at 11:17PM. Crazy how the date and time match. I started feeling contractions at 2:00AM and finally decided I couldn't take it anymore and went to labor and delivery at 7:00AM! I was actually scheduled that day to be induced at 9:30AM so it was kind of continent that I was having contractions anyway. 

My mom and sister were with me the entire time and were so much help and were very helpful. I was paranoid to have the baby go alone into the ICN so I had them both go for me since I was still being taken care of by the doctors after the delivery. I was so scared they might switch out my baby but that would've been kind of difficult considering how much hair my baby was born with!

As you know I have type 1 diabetes so I was super freaked out that the baby might not be healthy but I'm happy to say he's as healthy as can be except he did have low blood sugar when he was born. After having it normalized we were able to come home! 

Seeing him hooked up to IV fluids and being regularly checked for blood sugar levels was so hard but I'm glad it's over with. He's home now so I will try to get over that traumatic experience! I also wasn't in the same room as him while we were in the hospital. He needed to be carefully watched to make sure he was safe to go home. It made it even harder to sleep at the hospital. 

His face made me so happy the entire time. Even though I was in pain and upset to be there, just looking at his cute face made me laugh and smile. He's really charming and he was a favorite at the nursery!

I'm happy to say that we've both been doing great since we've been home and I grow to love him more and more each day. I love my little burrito baby. We decided to name him Johan (Joe-Han) since my first name is Joana and he's basically a mini me. He really is though. His personality is so cute and just adorable.

Thanks for reading. 

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Maira Gall